
Hi hello. I’m Steph. I write about doubt and faith, because I believe they work best together. I love Jesus, my family, tacos, and the internet. And sometimes I don’t, because that’s the way life is.

People aren’t always one thing at a time, or forever, or even at all. But I refuse to accept that our near constant state of paradox necessitates a constant state of panic. That’s where The Paradox Paper started—from my belief that we can learn to live in paradox without panic.

When? (and a little more what)

Each new edition comes out on the last Friday of every month, and features four sections: Play (the Fun Stuff), Pain (the Not Fun Stuff), Pondering (stuff we wonder about), and Prayer (stuff we can say to God).

How Much?

The Paradox Paper is available to read for zero dollars. It’s breezy and fun. Think neighborhood BBQ.

If you like what you see there, consider becoming a paid subscriber for $5/mo or $50/yr. For these folks I share more vulnerable life stories, explore how my faith is growing, share podcast episodes and speaking videos, etc. Think pizza night with a few close friends where no one bothers with makeup or hard pants.

Subscribe to The Paradox Paper

A monthly newsletter for those who want to honor doubt and keep the faith.


Nodding respectfully at doubt in hopes of keeping a more healthy, genuine faith. Also some basic pop culture recs.